Den 3 oktober – den 11 oktober
Den 3 oktober kl. 17:00 till den 11 oktober kl. 22:00
Skogen. Masthuggsterrassen 3, Göteborg
Valentina Desideri har bjudit in Jassem Hindi, Corazon del Sol, Paula Caspau, Edda Manga och bjuder härmed in er som också vill delta i något som varken är workshop eller föreställning:
Studio Practice är en öppen studio och ett flöde av händelser, samtal, föreläsningar, mat, musik och aktioner. Ett gemensamt lärande om andra sätt att leva tillsammans.
Du kan komma en, två eller tre av de här dagarna:
SATURDAY 3th October
17:00 Open conversation on Studio Practice with Valentina, Corazon and Jassem.
18:00 Lecture by Paula Caspão: Inter(in)animated Docu-Speculations
Paula Caspão will speculate about (mis)functions and (dis)formations that documentation practices can take in artistic research and surroundings. Trying to undo the usual binary distributions that set documentation on the other side of performances and along so-called second-hand events, (supposedly) disembodied minds, immobile texts, stable books and reliable recordings – she invites you to get lost in the kinaesthetic, experiential, social and architectural relations involved in documentation practices.
19:00 DINNER (follow the score below)
1. Bring an object, one with affective value, or one you found in the trash, one that you are ready to give up, one that is ready to transform.
2. Bring a vegetable, or a fruit, or a bean or an oil.
3. We cook dinner and we eat.
SATURDAY, 10th October
14:00-18:00 Studio Practice open to anyone who wants to take part in an exploratory study around “the personal is political”.
18:00 Edda Manga will talk about the Private/Public dichotomy in Western thought, the history of the slogan ”the personal is political” and the de-politization of the common. ”How a feminist tool for empowerment was put to use in the implementation of neoliberalism – hoping to take it back”.
19:00 DINNER (follow the score below)
1. Bring an object, one with affective value, or one you found in the trash, one that you are ready to give up, one that is ready to transform.
2. Bring a vegetable, or a fruit, or a bean or an oil.
3. We make dinner and we eat.
SUNDAY, 11th October
14:00-19:00 Studio Practice open to anyone who wants to take part in an exploratory study around “the personal is political”
Studio Practice is dedicated to the study of the statement: The personal is political.
This sentence was first published in 1970 as the title of an essay by Carol Hanisch in Notes from the Second Year: Women’s Liberation, where she claims:
One of the first things we discover in these groups is that personal problems are political problems. There are no personal solutions at this time. There is only collective action for a collective solution.
We consider study as something we do with others – as modes of learning that produce other ways of living together. As study happens transversally through different dimension (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual), during the long Studio sessions we will enter sequences of actions, silences, discussions, attempts, banalities, conflicts, excitements, proposals, boredom and other ways of “ensembling” that is study.
The Studio will be open on Saturday 3rd of October and in the following weekend 10-11th of October. See below for the detailed program.
All material and knowledge generated in the Studio will be considered as “commons”. Anything that is produced in the studio is a common property of everybody present in the studio. It comes from the commons and it is put in common. Yet it can be appropriated by any one of us. From the same experience or material a writer may write a book, a performer use it in a performance, an artist make a sculpture and so no, as the common is not something to share but something that proliferates in unforeseeable ways.
Valentina Desideri is an artist whose name also translates to Valiant Desires
Corazon del Sol is an artist whose name also translates to Heart of the Sun
Jassem Hindi is an artist whose name also translates to Almighty from Over There
Paula Caspão (P/F)
Researcher, lecturer and intermedia artist, she works at the crossroads of choreographic performance and other fields, investigating the fictions generated by theoretical production and the modalities of knowledge generated by fiction. She is currently interested in the ecologies, performances and affects implied in the practices that constitute History, the Museum and the Archive. She holds a PhD in philosophy (epistemology and aesthetics) from the University Paris-10, and is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History, New University of Lisbon, as well as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Theatre Studies, University of Lisbon. She works in several formats and situations, often as a guest lecturer and/or artist intertwining discursive, choreographic and performative practices at the Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen, and other institutions and artistic research spaces across Europe, Australia, and the USA.
Edda Manga is an historian of ideas. In her nationally praised research she has examined the colonial background of international rights. She was given the Clio prix in 2004 for her doctorate thesis ”Divine revelations and demonic intercourses”, and she is currently the political editor for the Swedish magazine ”Feministiskt Perspektiv” (
Valentina Desideris residency at Skogen is part of the International Dance Programme supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committe and Kultur i Väst.