Carlos Osatinsky och Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli

Bio: Fernando N. Pelliccioli and Carlos Osatinsky are working together since they met during their dance studies in the Taller de Danza Contemporánea of the San Martín Theater in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They don’t define themselves as a ”dance company”, ”group” nor ”collective” but as two individuals who share views, connecting in necessities and discrepancies, exchanging roles, exploring interests on the art field and through their path on the world.
They are moved in their artistic work by questioning the stage as a privileged space, searching a more honest scenic language and materials that bring insight into the performative being. In the past years their own pieces and projects have been showed in Spain, Austria, Germany, Argentina and South Korea and they have developed pieces in residencies in South America and Europe.
They permanently collaborate as well with other artists in Europe and Argentina as Toula Limnaios, Company Rubato, Roberto Oliván , Künstlerkollektive Berlin, Helena Lizari, Jonathan Martineau, FACE, OTRO ESPACIO, NETZWERK AKS, among others.
In spite of the fact that nowadays they reside in Germany, they keep nourishing the bridge that connects them with South America and Asia. They are invited by festivals and private institutions to teach workshops and seminars, being invited as Guest Professors in the School of Dance in the Korea National University of Arts in Seoul in 2011.
Their steps are guided and supported by whom they feel till nowadays as their Teachers: Haichi Akamine, Marina Giancaspro, Susan Klein, Jeremy Nelson, David Zambrano, Beatriz Lábatte, Barbara Mahler.
Description: Our training classes focus in the process of re-discovering our own bodies as a supporting and expressive mean. We depart from the fact that the “body” is submerged in a flow of constant change of inner and outer necessities, in a permanent state of physical and mind dialogue between the organism and its surrounding.
We consider ourselves as being in a permanent dance state of interrelated layers. We propose in this sense tools and resources in order to bring awareness to our way of moving departing from our deepest supporting skeleton and looking for a freer, more efficient and creative spirit.
Through clear anatomical pictures we aim for visualizing and creating connections, clarifying the organization of our inner structure inside the common gravitation field, sensing our possibilities and expanding from there our own individual body and dance experiences.
Through different sequences we re-discover and bring into consciousness movement patterns, create new paths and try to understand and overcome obstacles in the flow.
Tuning up individual necessities and common awareness, combining changing possibilities with renewed (e)motions help to prepare us for moving in a dance of unfolding kinetic discoveries. Technique and improvisation, questioning preconceptions and bringing new imaginary, guiding and following, active proposing and quiet listening interweaves permanently during each encounter.
You can read more about Carlos and Fernando HERE