Jannine Rivel

Jannine Rivel – Certified Teacher of Klein Technique™
Jannine works within the field of dance with movement through choreography, dance and teaching. She has taught Klein Technique™ in cities like New York, Berlin, Barcelona, Oslo, Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenburg and at places like The Gothenburg Opera, DNA, Labor Gras, La Caldera to name a few. Jannine has studied Klein Technique™ with Certified and Master Teacher Susan Klein, Barbara Mahler and Karin M. Jameson. Jannine began the Teachers Certification Program in Klein Technique™ in 2004 and received her Certification in Klein Technique™ from Susan Klein in 2009. Jannine holds one degree as a dancer/performer from The Royal Swedish Ballet School, Stockholm, Sweden, and one as dance pedagogy from the University of Dance and Circus, Stockholm, Sweden. Jannine produces and choreographs her own work and she enjoys working and dancing in collaborations with movement based artists and performers. Jannine is interested in the endless movement possibilities the body offers and the relationship between stillness and movement. In teaching she shares her knowledge and learns.


Class description: We will work on the level of the bones, our deepest structural and most connective tissue. We will define anatomy and function in relation to stillness and movement. Working on aligning the bones with the muscles of deep postural support: the psoas, the hamstrings, the pelvic floor and the external rotators. Defining, re-defining and integrating, working from a body-felt understanding. Welcome! – Jannine Rivel

About Klein Technique:
Klein Technique™ is a process through which the body is analyzed and understood to improve and to further movement potential. It is intellectual in that it uses anatomical realities. It is corporeal in that we strive for an internal knowing, an understanding which is integrated into the body. It is a movement education and re-education, that can be an underpinning for all movement styles, improvisations, athletics, and for the general health of the body in everyday movement.” Susan T. Klein