Kulturakademin Trappan i samarbete med Dansalliansen
Sista anmälningsdag: 19 oktober!
Anmälan görs på: www.kulturakademintrappan.se
”Certain methods develop on the recent projects serve me still in further exploration and therefor are used as practices. These methods were often use on specific themes but are totally relevant to be used as a tool of your own investigation as a trained performer. These methods are based on repetition, memory, synchronisation, ritual, minimalism, body exhaustion, to create your own material. Each workshop lays with different outcome and are set very often as games. The question of the group is also sometimes part of the investigation. Other methods and practices never tried before are also proposed and there usually related to possible project that we are constantly researching such as the moments ”Beginnings and endings” or ”childish behaviour”
Through the propositions made, the participants are always thrown into their own imagination and the outcome is always theirs.”
KURSBESKRIVNING: http://www.kulturakademintrappan.se/kurser/pr_getfile/pr_getfile.php?fileid=2086199435872&Preview=1
Period: 9-13 november 2015
Tid: 11.30-16.00
Målgrupp: Professionella yrkesverksamma dansare och koreografer
Språk: Engelska
Max antal: 12
Plats: Göteborg, lokal meddelas senare
Sista anmälningsdag: 19 oktober
Övrig information: Möjlighet till egen uppvärmning från kl. 10.00.
Anmälan görs under ”Anmälan” på www.kulturakademintrappan.se
Kulturakademin Trappans aktiviteter är kostnadsfria och bedrivs med stöd från Kulturnämnden och Regionutvecklingsnämnden i Västra Götaland.