för professionella dansare och koreografer
Ett samarbete mellan Kulturakademin, Dansalliansen och Danscentrum Väst
När: fredagen den 13 april- söndagen den 15 april
Vart: Ärlegården Danscentrum Väst
“The Surprised body project is a dance project that focus on a specific movement quality, on structured improvisation, on choreographic and compositional issues related to music and space. With the ”A Surprised Body” workshop I share my personal approach to contemporary dance, based on release technique and influenced by the layering of the experiences made as dancer/choreographer and by my personal practice of tai chi chuan.
The workshop will be introduced by a class that combines tai chi chuan, floor work, hands-on exercises and movement sequences focusing on centre and gravity. The aim is on awakening the internal and external supports and allowing isolation in the limbs and flow in the movement. The image of a body in a constant alert, escaping from a habitual daily body and from any kind of routine. A body more focused on reacting than on acting, on receiving, rather than doing.
The workshop will be an occasion to search for specific qualities of disarticulated movement, layering the experience throughout several proposals and improvisations, challenging and intensifying the body awareness, by approaching the movement avoiding tactics and routines. After a first part dedicated to ground the principals of the work, the workshop will articulate through a series of investigations on the movement and structured improvisations, intended as a conceptual, but also physical and mental challenge.
Movement materials will be transformed and de-structured in several ways, also by intuitive random, through improvisations and composition.
The Surprised body project has been developing, as an ongoing creative process, while creating several new versions of the work while touring in different countries. The
Surprised body project, has never been the same twice, as the structured improvisations always modified the work and local needs and possibilities dictated the shape and context of the actual event.
Since its première in Buenos Aires in October 2010, the project has been successfully presented in 26 countries in Europe, Asia and South America. The teaching project “A Surprised body” has been invited internationally in 42 countries in North, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, Middle and Far East.”
Francesco Scavetta
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