Den 30 april har du möjligheten att se flera dansframträdanden live via Aerowaves hemsida.
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Our Live stream schedule was jam-packed in Barcelona, so we saved a few shows to share with you afterwards.
On Thursday April 30th we’ll be streaming 4 performances and the Critical Issues panel discussion.
From 7pm GMT / 8pm CET you can watch:
– Critical Issues panel disucssion with Karene Lyngholm and our Springback Academy mentors: Oonagh Duckworth, Donald Hutera, Sanjoy Roy and Omar Khan.
– Poliana Lima & Ugne Dievaityte in Flesh // Location X – Taneli Torma in ZOOM
– Roser Lopez Espinosa in Lowland // Edhem Jesenkovic in M.E.N.
Watch the Stream here at