Mirko Guido 2-6 nov
OBS! Kort anmälningsdatum!
Throughout the workshop the participants will get a glimpse of the physical investigations I have being carrying out in the latest years.
Öppen för: Professionellt yrkesverksamma dansare
Tidpunkt: 2-6 november kl 12.30-15.30.
Plats: Danscentrum Stockholm, Jungfrugatan 7b, Stockholm
Anmälan senast 29 oktober till babis.harall@danscentrum.se
The workshop will begin with a series of introduction practices that focus on the sensations we receive from within and outside ourselves: the exercises will explore concentration, the use of the intention and the personal approach to the sensorial insight. This introduction will gradually lead the group to immerse into the ”shifting and the molding practices”, which through an overwhelming sequences of tasks take the dancer to dynamically shift his/her attention between sensations, perceptions, thoughts, memories and emotions. Engaging in continuous repetitions of specific activities will take the participants into meditative states in which the observation shifts between the concrete actions and the images created by the mind, breaking the boundaries between what is voluntary and what is involuntary, the imagery and the reality.
This workshop is for participant to reflect, feel, think, use their intuition and the body as container of transforming energies, to take risk and try out, to expose themselves and their thoughts.
Mirko Guido
Mirko Guido is a freelance choreographer and performer based in Stockholm.
Former Cullberg Ballet dancer, throughout his career he has been member of several dance companies around Europe and performed works of many choreographers, very diverse in their methods of work.
Between 2008 and 2012 he’s been creating his own works in parallel to his activities as dancer. These works have been danced by the Donlon Dance Company (Saarbrücken) and the Thoss Dance Company (Wiesbaden), as well as by independent artists in festivals in Germany and Greece.
Since 2013 he works as an independent choreographer. His creations have been performed in Sweden, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia and Portugal.
While focusing on the development of physical investigations and performative practices, his interest lays also in the relation between audience and performance; he questions the perceptive and participatory level of the viewer, and aim to unfold the works around the notions of encounter, involvement and sensorial immersion.
At the moment he is working on the new project “Entities”. Since March 2014 he is a resident artist at SITE Sweden.