Anne-Mareike Hess offers the participants in this class an insight into her movement language and choreographic work. Since many years her artistic work focuses, in a very physical way, on the position of the body in our society, dealing with socio-political themes, identifying societal tendencies and human needs. She considers the theatre stage is a possibility space and uses it to give bodies a voice by magnifying their inner movement and outer expressions. During the past years she was deeply interested in heteronomous bodies, bodies that are moved by outside forces, that are not in control of themselves, or that are losing control. These are bodies on the edge, touching physical and psychological borders and striving for transgression, searching for transformation.
She has developed a movement language marked by highly articulated movements and great precision. She uses a combination of imagination and sensory work, to put the whole body – including the face – in physical and emotional states, creating permeable bodies where every emotion, every mood and atmosphere becomes motion.
Over the course of the week the participants get introduced to the “cranky body” and the “emotional body”. These are movement qualities that served as a base for the pieces “Sychronization in process” (2016), “Give me a reason to feel” (2017) and “Warrior” (2018).
Once a common base is established, the participants will explore this movement realm through different improvisations and create their own interpretations of it.
The class will be divided in two parts. The morning begins with a warm-up, which is inspired by somatic practices, sensorial work and presence work. After the warm-up we will pass on to some repertoire work, be trying out some movement tasks, which are part of earlier pieces and which characterize Anne-Mareike Hess’s choreographic language.
ANNE-MAREIKE HESS is a choreographer and dancer based in Berlin and Luxembourg. She studied at the Conservatory in Luxembourg, at the HfMDK in Frankfurt/Main and at HZT Inter-University Center for Dance in Berlin (Master in Choreography). Her productions “I believe that we are having a dialogue” (2012), “Tanzwut”(2014) and “Synchronization in process”(2016) have toured to a number of venues and festivals throughout Europe. In 2017 she created “Give me a reason to feel” (coproduced by the Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg). End of 2018 will be the premier of a new solo entitled ”Warrior”.Since some years Anne-Mareike works in close collaboration with TROIS C-L in Luxembourg, Skogen in Gothenburg and Inkonst in Malmö. She is an associated artist at Weld in Stockholm. In 2017/2018/2019 Anne-Mareike is supported by the Grand Luxe network.As a performer Anne-Mareike has been working a.o. with William Forsythe (Human Writes), Rosalind Goldberg (“MIT” and “Jump with me”) and Ingri Fiksdal (“cosmic body”). She has worked as a dramaturge for Lea Martini and Lea Moro.
2012 Anne-Mareike was awarded with Prize for emerging artists by the “Stiftung zur Förderung junger Talente”, Luxembourg. 2015 Anne-Mareike was awarded with the “Danzpraïs” from Ministry of Culture in Luxembourg.

Photo: Bohumil Kostohryz